Title: The Doll's House
Author: Natasha Boydell
Publication Date: January 13, 2025
Genre: Thriller
My Rating: 4 out of 5
Quote: "And with it, she had destroyed me."
The Doll's House by Natasha Boydell is intriguing to say the least. And that TWIST!!
Naomi and her husband Oliver sell their house to buy their dream house. They did not think this was going to be possible because a potential buyer had backed out. However, a woman named Summer came through with an offer and the house sold. Summer has a daughter in the same class as one of Naomi's daughters. Naomi starts noticing changes in Summer that others just pass off as nothing. No one else seems to notice that Summer has become fixated on Naomi's life...even to the point of cutting her hair in the same style as Naomi. Naomi's friends start to alienate her in support of Summer. How can her friends not believe her? Will anyone ever see what Naomi sees? Who is Summer really? Where did this woman come from? Why is she trying to take everything for Naomi?
The Doll's House is full of twists, turns, suspense, lies and cover ups. Will Naomi's friends and husband ever believe her? It is obviously right in front of their faces, isn't it?
You will be gripped from the begging. The twist if fantastic! This is a thriller, so naturally I will not say too much. You need to read and experience the ride for yourself.
Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read and review The Doll's House by Natasha Boydell.
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